Many people with age comes disease of the joints which doctors call arthrosis. Most often osteoarthritis affects people over the age of 45 years and very often osteoarthritis of the knee. If you do not treat arthritis, the cartilage disappears and the bone exposed, and it will make it impossible to perform functions of the knee joint.

The reasons leading to the occurrence of osteoarthritis
The occurrence of osteoarthritis in the knee joint can contribute to a number of factors. Among them, the doctors are the following:
Various mechanical injuries. It can be as fractures and dislocations, but especially dangerous damage to the menisci. Trauma is one factor that can trigger the development of osteoarthritis at a very young age. Doctors say that the cause of osteoarthritis is not itself injury, and treatment of this injury, which is associated with fixation of the limbs and, as a consequence, disturbance of microcirculation of blood in the area of the joint, which leads to the development of posttraumatic osteoarthritis. In the case of damage to the meniscus and their subsequent removal, medical statistics says that in nine cases out of ten, to avoid osteoarthritis is not possible;
Excess weight by itself, the knee does not hurt, but is a risk factor for damage to the menisci. This injury is very dangerous, the process of recovery meniscus injury, long-lasting and in most cases leads to osteoarthritis. Doctors believe that the most severe forms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint occur in people that are in addition to excess weight, suffer from varicose veins;
Problems with ligaments. Quite common case in people who are in good physical shape. These people have a high mobility of the joints themselves are flexible. Such people are easy to sit in the splits and can perform various elements of stretching exercises even without a warm-up. Nevertheless, such people have very "loose" ligaments. Perform these people exercises cause knee joint receives microtrauma, and they have a further cause of osteoarthritis;
Such a joint disease like arthritis is very easily degenerates into osteoarthritis. The fact that arthritis is an inflammatory process that leads to the formation of large amounts of fluid in the joint cavity, leading ultimately to the destruction of cartilage and osteoarthritis of the knee;
Changes in metabolism also lead to the development of arthritis, especially important for the joints is the exchange of calcium; In recent times, there are several theories that explain the onset of osteoarthritis stress. According to madcow, after 40 many women accumulate emotional fatigue, and it is the cause of disturbances in the processes of blood circulation, including in the lower extremities, causing suffering and the knee joint.
The symptoms of the disease

In case of arthrosis of the knee joint most often the following symptoms:
Pain in the knee joint. The main feature is that the pain never appears suddenly. Usually, the person experiences a feeling of discomfort and aching pain for several months and even years. Amplified pain when running or walking fast. If the pain is there in the knee sharply, most likely, not arthritis, and a pinched meniscus. The longer the illness develops, the stronger the pain. Especially severe pain after suffering loads associated with prolonged walking or heavy lifting. The pain subsided with rest, but as soon as there is physical exertion, the pain immediately reappear. In many cases, patients with knee there is an exacerbation of pain when weather conditions change, and the pain feels like when driving and at rest. For pain symptoms, it is recommended the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
Deformity of the knee. This symptom manifests itself in the later stages of the disease. Not to be confused with the deformation of the knee with swelling, which may occur at the beginning of the disease; the Accumulation of excessive amounts of fluid in the knee joint. This phenomenon doctors call synovitis, but eventually synovitis may go into a Baker's cyst, which is manifested in the formation of the seal at the rear of the knee joint. Fortunately, the Baker's cyst is treatable without surgery;
Crunch. In contrast to the crunch in the joints of healthy people with the crunch in the later stages of osteoarthritis accompanied by severe pain. In addition, the crunch for osteoarthritis of specific, dry. The reason for the crunch is the problem of the ligaments, or excessive mobility of the joint itself;
The limitation of the knee joint. Because of the severe pain the patient can freely bend and straighten the leg. Typically, the limitation is accompanied by deformation of joints, which are well visible externally. In the later stages of osteoarthritis, the joints become completely immobile and independent movement, patients become very problematic. According to the degree of severity of symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee in clinical practice it is accepted to allocate such extent of the disease:
- Osteoarthritis of a joint of the first degree. Pain are minor and occur mainly in the execution of movements. At rest, pain disappears. The cartilage at this stage have already struck, but the deformation is not visible visually. In the joint fluid can build up and form a Baker's cyst;
- Osteoarthritis of a joint of the second degree. The cartilage tissue is affected due to narrowing of the joint space. X-rays of the joint at this stage show that the bone has increased in size. The patient any movement is accompanied by severe pain, but at rest no pain. In flexion and extension of feet is heard, characterized by arthritis, dry crunch. By bending and straightening the knee joint there are problems, doctors have patients fact deformation of the joint;
- Osteoarthritis of a joint of the third degree. The cartilage is so thin that in some places the bone was completely exposed. Moreover, in the cavity of the joints appear salt deposits which physicians are called osteophytes. Patient much pains that do not subside neither in motion nor at rest.
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis
A presumptive diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee a doctor can make during questioning of the patient during examination. However, that diagnosis was accurate required two mandatory research: diagnostic ultrasound and radiography. With regard to laboratory blood tests, they can assign that to eliminate diseases that have similar clinical picture, for example, arthritis. The most informative for the attending physician are the results of radiography, which allows to judge the degree of narrowing of the joint space, and also gives the opportunity to see the osteophytes. At the same time, the ultrasound gives information about the thickness of the articular cartilage, and also gives an idea of how they are attached to the knee joint tissue.
Treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee joint

If you suspect osteoarthritis in the knee should consult a local therapist, who if necessary will forward to the surgeon or orthopedist. The treatment of the disease requires different treatment strategies, however, the most effective to date is the medication treatment of osteoarthritis. In fact doctors use several groups of drugs. This:
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Chondroprotectors;
- Hormones steroid series;
- Drugs that improve circulation;
- Vitamins
Ozone therapy
This methodology provides for the effects of ozone (O3) on the knee joint affected by osteoarthritis. This technique can be implemented as a direct outer action of ozone on the joint, and administer injections. This ozone has no contraindications, but at the same time, has a pronounced therapeutic effect. In patients with decreased pain, reducing the inflammation and restoring circulation in the knee joint. It is believed that ozone therapy helps in the complex treatment with the use of chondroprotectors.
This technique is based on the assumption that, when performing specific exercises is restoration of blood flow in the knee joint, and with it begins the restoration of the cartilage and the elasticity of ligaments. A set of exercises is chosen individually for each patient by a doctor. This treatment combines very well with medication.
Physical therapy
According to many doctors in the treatment of knee joint arthrosis physical therapy is one of the main, not secondary, methods of treatment. During physiotherapeutic procedures removed pain and restored most of the functionality of the joint, moreover, some methods in the course of physiotherapy relieve pain and restored most of the functionality of the joint, moreover, some physiotherapy methods allow you to enter drugs to treat the disease. To date, all physiotherapy treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is divided into the following groups:
- Reduce the pain;
- Acute inflammatory processes;
- Reducing the blood supply;
- Painkillers Physiotherapy

As this procedure is most often used medium-wave ultraviolet irradiation (SF). During the procedure, ultraviolet rays are directed to the knee and focus on it until, until you see a slight redness on the skin. It is believed that this is evidence of the production of substances that reduce sensitivity to pain. As a rule, patients are prescribed 6-7 sessions SF.
Magnetic therapy
Lately especially popular to become magnetic. It is believed that the technique is applicable to arthrosis of first and second degree. The patients are 10-25 procedures of magnetotherapy, each procedure takes about 30 minutes. Due to the effect of magnetic field restores the blood supply to the cartilage and, as a consequence, the recovery begins.
Exercise for the treatment of osteoarthritis in the knee joint
Physiotherapy to treat arthritis is very important. There are many developments in this direction, but the most significant results were given a set of exercises developed by Dr. Evdokimenko and Lana Paley. Sorry, we didn't have any limitations. You cannot perform exercises to people:
- At a critical time for women days;
- Patients with high intracranial and arterial pressure;
- At body temperature above 37.5 0C;
- In the presence of an inguinal hernia;
- In heart failure;
- Have acute diseases of the internal organs.
The complex consists of nine exercises. Before you start the daily performance of the complex it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Practice shows that proper exercise program Evdokimenko – Paley under the control of physicians gives excellent results. And also remember that to perform these exercises using a warming ointment.

Diet in the treatment of osteoarthritis
One of the reasons for arthrosis of the knee joint is a weight, which puts additional pressure on the joints. Therefore, weight reduction is one of the most important tasks in the complex treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis. Data from numerous studies suggests that weight loss of 5 pounds has a significant impact on improving the condition of the joints of the patient. Nutritionists believe that the nutrition of the patient should have sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, and at the same time must have a minimum calorific value. In case of arthrosis in any case do not get involved in diuretic teas, which are so fond of using fans to drive away the excess weight. The fact is that when this occurs, the leaching of calcium, and it is highly undesirable in case of arthrosis of the joints. Nutrition should be a fraction, but for snacking should be used vegetables and fruits. It is believed that the morning should start with Breakfast, otherwise the metabolic processes for a long period of time are not included and it is quite probable failures. Similarly affected and late dinners, which must be not later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Equally important is drinking enough water (minimum 2 liters per day). And also important is the quality of the food. When osteoarthritis is very important to include such products as:
- Soups, broths and jelly, cooked on the bone. These products contain a large number of natural chondroprotectors and collagen;
- Meat chicken or Turkey, which are an excellent source of protein, extremely important for a healthy metabolism;
- Fish, nuts, almonds and hazelnuts are very important sources of vitamin E;
- Cereals and wholegrain bread is the best options of complex carbohydrates necessary for proper nutrition of the patient;
- Sunflower, linseed or olive oil are also important food components, because they are sources of unsaturated fatty acids.
In the treatment of osteoarthritis should remember the fact that the treatment of this disease can not be instantaneous and, in fact, is to maintain a certain lifestyle, otherwise the patient may lose the ability to move independently.